How To Keep Your Carpets Vibrant

Short haired girl reading book while sitting soft bean bag carpet

Carpets can be expensive and notoriously difficult to replace. They require a lot of workmanship and finding the right color for a damaged carpet can be extremely problematic. That’s why it’s best to use in-home remedies as a means of keeping your carpets colorful and vibrant looking.

How Carpets Get Dirty

Close up dirty muddy dog carpet

Carpets trap pollution, dirt and dust that enter your home from the outside. Carpet fiber are able to trap these pollutants which leads to the carpets need for repair. Pollen, bacteria, fungi and other outside environmental factors can have a devastating affect on your carpets.

Save Yourself From The Dirt

Housekeeper cleaning carpet mud using vacuum cleaner

Having pollutants stuck in your carpets can pose a health risk. Dust mites and other parasites are able to borrow into your carpets and cause not only discoloration of your rugs but more importantly respiratory problems. Here are some handy tips for keeping the dirt and dust mites out!

Take Off Your Shoes

Shoes on welcome sign carpet

Taking off your shoes can be a proactive way of limiting the number of pollutants that not only enter your home but your carpets. Shoes worn outside will always bring dirt.

Karen Saunders

Karen Saunders

Karen Saunders is the content marketing manager at PaintMates. With extensive experience in the home and garden space. Karen researches and writes about home improvement.

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About Carpet Kings

Carpetkings was established on a whim, we were ringing around trying to get mum’s carpets cleaned before guests were coming for Easter, her carpets were riddled with pet waste from Bella (her dog), dirty shoe marks from Dad and let’s face it, they were just super old and dull Read More….

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